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1. cartoon animation àÃ×èͧ º¡¾Ãèͧ·Ò§ÊµÔ»ÑÒ
2. All About Intellectual Disability
3. Teaching children about Intellectual Disability
4. Intellectual Disabilities
01. Basic Executive Functions in Early Childhood Education and their Relationship with Social Competence.
02. Room quality and composition matters: Children's verbal and numeracy abilities in Australian early childhood settings
03. The Relationship between Executive Functions and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Early Childhood Education
04. Cognitive predictors of success in learning Russian in native and non-native speakers at high school age
05. Corrigendum to Healthy Exercise of Registered Female Nurses in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand.
06. Defining Childbirth Fear And Anxiety Levels In Pregnant Women
07.Design of a child development baseline (children aged 0 to 6 years) in Bolivia.
08. Design of scales to assess the Subjective Social Value of Education for students in primary and secondary school.
09. Development of socio-emotional skills through cooperative learning in a university environmen
10. Diagnostic potential of inflammatory biomarkers in early childhood caries - A case control study.
11. Early childhood aggression among child welfare involved children: The interplay between the type of child maltreatment and ecological protective factors.
12. Early childhood development: the foundation of sustainable development.
13. Early childhood myoclonic epilepsy: An independent genetic generalized epilepsy with myoclonic seizures as the main seizure type.
14. Early Childhood Risk Factors for Mealtime TV Exposure and Engagement in Low-Income Families.
15.Early childhood social and emotional development: Advancing the field of measurement.
16. Implementation of early childhood physical activity curriculum (SPARK) in the Central Valley of California (USA).
17. Inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities 30 years later: ethics evaluation of family criteria. A pilot project.
18. Measurement of child development (children from birth to six years of age) in Bolivia. Test results.
19. Measuring childhood maltreatment to predict early-adult psychopathology: Comparison of prospective informant-reports and retrospective self-reports.
20. Modern technologies of e-learning and its evaluation of efficiency.
21. Motivational factors and effects associated with physical-sport practice in undergraduate students.
22. Art activities with Kinect to students with cognitive disabilities: Improving all motor skills.
23. Assessing early childhood social and emotional development: Key conceptual and measurement issues.
24.Multiculturalism in education: barriers of communicative creativity in the case of nonresident and foreign students in group training tasks solving.
25. OriginalRisk low math performance PISA 2012: Impact of assistance toEarly Childhood Education and other possible cognitive variables.